Jack Martin
During an MA in Gastronomy at the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, Italy, Jack weaved together his interests in taste, local knowledge and ethnobotany in a research project on traditional seaweed gathering and use on the West coast of Ireland. A gastronome concerned with many food crafts, Jack is also a cheesemaker currently exploring unique connections between land, pasture and biodiversity through the transformation of raw milk. From a rural upbringing steeped in beauty and freedom on the West coast of Wales, Jack grew up home educated with a childhood of country foraging, organic farming, surrounded by stories and with a family who nurtured a love for good food, cooking and deliciousness. After a BA in Documentary Photography from the University of Wales, Newport, and work in international development he focused on his passion for good ingredients, locality and taste in the fine dining scene of Ireland and the Netherlands developing an approach centred on provenance and creativity.